
Please Don’t Bother Yourself to bother others

Please Don’t Bother Yourself to bother others So, what it’s really mean?. Does it mean that we don’t have to help others, or others don’t need help? No, no I am here talking in the context of copying code or content and do just one or two amendments and then paste it somewhere else.  Don’t write what you don’t understand, just to get income. Don’t write just to get Reads. By copying Information from official or any site and paste it down on your own Blog is not free. It has cost bro, nothing in this world is free. We all are connected so, whatever we do it also affects other too.   So how copying info affects other? As writers don’t take anything from readers.  So here is the thing, if a person searches for some info, and if he/she gets it on a site but could not able to understand much (either because its new to him/her or there are some more technical thing associated with that are unknown to him or because of any other reason). The person wi...


                                            What really the ThreadPool Is… A pool Threadpool :- As its name resembles a pool of threads. It contains some threads, which it reuses, again and again, to accept task submitted to it and run it in one of the thread. So to describe the real requirement of a thread pool, I have mentioned a conversation between two guys… Harold  : Hey Kumar, my app starts lagging and sometimes show ANR dialog… Kumar : There could be the problem of Memory leak in your Application… Harold : Not, I haven’t found any memory leak in my app, I am also doing all my work in the background… Kumar : So what are you using, to perform your task in Background. Harold : I am creating a separate Thread whenever there is any need to perform the task in the background . Kumar : There you are… Bro creating new Thread again an...