Please Don’t Bother Yourself to bother others
Please Don’t Bother Yourself to bother others
So, what it’s really mean?. Does it mean that we don’t have to help others, or others don’t need help? No, no I am here talking in the context of copying code or content and do just one or two amendments and then paste it somewhere else. Don’t write what you don’t understand, just to get income. Don’t write just to get Reads. By copying Information from official or any site and paste it down on your own Blog is not free. It has cost bro, nothing in this world is free. We all are connected so, whatever we do it also affects other too.
So how copying info affects other? As writers don’t take anything from readers. So here is the thing, if a person searches for some info, and if he/she gets it on a site but could not able to understand much (either because its new to him/her or there are some more technical thing associated with that are unknown to him or because of any other reason). The person will surf for more and go for more link, and as you already copied the same stuff and your page reach is more, the person could land at your page and found the same info. This may be valuable to the owner of Blog, but that person doesn't found anything new or useful as he/she already read that stuff somewhere else. The situation remains intact for that person in terms of knowledge person got.
This makes thing hard for that person to find a valuable and explainable answer for him/her.As people will get same info again and again on different sites.Because there are lots of people/ developers who do the same copy paste thing.
I am not saying that all of them doing the same thing. There are blogs which provide a good or perfect solution. But to reach there that person has to waste his lots of time, effort. Because of that Copy and Paste problem.
Copying stuff making it hard to find the quality stuff in the first place. For beginners, it's really hard to learn thing fast and easily.
What I mean is that please, even if you want to take code or info from other, take it but don’t just copy paste it, try to understand the code or logic and then explain that in your best way.So that it will be useful for readers.
Explaining thing is not only valuable/useful for other but it also increases your deep understanding of that topic on which you wrote about.
If you write to help other then you don’t have to do marketing or promotion of your blog. People will come to your Website automatically. Because you are giving them what they really Need. This is not only for blogging, in any field, if you provide the solution to any problem then people will reach to you automatically.
So Don’t Bother yourself to bother others, Try to Bother yourself to help others.
Great stuff, I'm trying to create stuff that's not there or explained poorly, in most cases haha